School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Be a catalyst for changing the lives of others.
By selecting a major in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, you will explore the intersection of human behavior and science, immersing yourself in the life of the mind. You will develop a broad global and cultural awareness and strong interpersonal and research skills that will prepare you for a variety of careers.
Majors and Programs
Behavioral Neuroscience (BA)Main Campus
Criminal Justice (BA, Minor)Main Campus
Criminal Justice (BA)Online
Criminal Justice (MS)Main Campus
Homeland Security (Minor)Main Campus
Latin American and Latino/a Studies (Minor)Main Campus
Law (Pre)Main Campus
Political Science and Public Policy (BA)Main Campus
Psychology (BA)Main Campus
Psychology (BA)Online
Public Administration (MPA)Online
Social Work/Public Administration (MSW Traditional or Advanced Standing/MPA)Online
Sociology (BA)Main Campus