Advanced Placement Program (APP) Exam Credit

Capstone Diploma Program
APP Exam Score AU Credit (4SH)
Research n/a Does Not Transfer (DNT)
Seminar n/a Does Not Transfer (DNT)
APP Exam Score AU Credit (4SH)
Studio Art: 2-D Design 3, 4, 5 ART1210
Studio Art: 3-D Design 3, 4, 5 ART1310
Art History 3, 4, 5 Art Elective
Studio Art: Drawing 3, 4, 5 ART2100
Music Theory 3, 4, 5 MUS2600
APP Exam Score AU Credit (4SH)
English Lang/Comp 3, 4, 5 ENG1000
English Lit/Comp 3, 4, 5 English Elective
History and Social Sciences
APP Exam Score AU Credit (4SH)
Comparative Govt./Politics 3, 4, 5 Political Science Elective
European History 3, 4, 5 History Elective
Human Geography 3, 4, 5 Social Behavior Science Elective
* Macroeconomics 3, 4, 5 Economics Elective
* Microeconomics 3, 4, 5 Economics Elective
Psychology 3, 4, 5 PSY1100
U.S. Govt./Politics 3, 4, 5 PSC1300
U.S. History 3, 4 HIS1200
U.S. History 5 HIS1200, HIS1210 (8SH)
World History 3, 4 HIS1300
World History 5 HIS1300, HIS1400 (8SH)

* If Microeconomics and Macroeconomics are both successfully completed, 4SH of credit will be awarded for ECN2030 and 4SH of credit will be awarded for ECN1999.

Math and Computer Science
APP Exam Score AU Credit (4SH)
Calculus AB 3, 4, 5 MTH2210
Calculus BC 3 MTH2210
Calculus BC 4, 5 MTH2210, MTH2220 (8SH)
Computer Science A 3, 4, 5 CSC1700
Computer Science Principles 3, 4, 5 CSC1010
Precalculus 3, 4, 5 MTH1100
Statistics 3, 4, 5 MTH2100
APP Exam Score AU Credit (4SH)
Biology 3 BIO1210/Z
Biology 4, 5 BIO1210/Z, BIO1220/Z (8SH)
Chemistry 3 CHM1200/Z
Chemistry 4, 5 CHM1310/Z
Environmental Science 3, 4, 5 BIO2200
Physics 1: Algebra Based 3, 4, 5 PHY2210/Z
Physics 2: Algebra Based 3, 4, 5 PHY2220/Z
Physics C: E&M 3, 4, 5 PHY2250/Z
Physics C: Mech 3, 4, 5 PHY2240/Z
World Languages and Culture
APP Exam Score AU Credit (4SH)
Chinese Lang/Culture 3, 4, 5 Foreign Language Elective (8SH)
French Lang/Culture 3, 4, 5 FRN1120, FRN1220 (8SH)
German Lang/Culture 3, 4, 5 Foreign Language Elective (8SH)
Italian Lang/Culture 3, 4, 5 Foreign Language Elective (8SH)
Japanese Lang/Culture 3, 4, 5 Foreign Language Elective (8SH)
Latin 3, 4, 5 Foreign Language Elective (8SH)
Spanish Lang/Culture 3, 4, 5 SPN1120, SPN1220 (8SH)
Spanish Lit/Culture 3, 4, 5 Spanish Elective

Last updated 5/3/2022.