AU Today - On Campus

Bestselling author and former White House aide Alejandra Campoverdi met with Aurora University students to talk about the challenges she faced as a first-generation college student who, as she puts it in her memoir, “First Gen,” went “from welfare to the White...

Water shapes us, just as it shapes the world around us—constantly moving, connecting, and inspiring. “Everyone has a personal connection to water, but we often don’t think about it, don’t contemplate the meaning of it,” said Natasha Ritsma,...

The Aurora University School of Nursing hosted its first-ever School Nurse Collaborative Skills Day this September, expanding on its partnership with Oswego Community Unit School District 308 by providing local school nurses an opportunity to strengthen their existing healthcare skills. Skills...

José M. Hernández, dressed in a blue NASA flight suit, ignores the podium on the stage of Aurora University's Tapper Hall and instead sits down on the steps facing the first row of seats. He moves seamlessly between English and Spanish as he tells students about...

In a move to spark excitement and creativity around the sciences, Aurora University moved all of its science courses under one roof into high-tech, open classrooms that give students hands-on experiences in cutting-edge labs. AU designated John C. Dunham Hall as the home of its new...