AU Today - Resources

If you are interested in healthcare — in understanding how the body works and learning about ways to help people who are sick or injured — there are many career paths to consider beyond becoming a doctor. We need doctors, of course. What would we do without...

A lot of people assume a degree in Criminal Justice leads one way: directly to a career in law enforcement. And it certainly can. But the study of Criminal Justice is interdisciplinary by its nature, tying together psychology, sociology, political science, and law. Graduates with Criminal Justice...

If you are thinking of becoming a software engineer, you’re not alone. It’s a booming field, causing programs to expand at colleges across the country. And even with more professionals entering the industry, jobs are cropping up faster than they can be filled. The unceasing...

Aurora University is offering a new course that gives students a firsthand look at the wide span of careers available in the fast-growing fields of health science and healthcare. The Introduction to Healthcare course explores more than 30 professional roles available to students interested in...

You may feel some pressure to choose a major when starting college. You’re not alone. Almost two-thirds of college students feel overwhelmed by the process of selecting a major and about half are unsure of their career path when they start college, according to one higher education...