AU Today - Student Stories

Two students in Aurora University’s Master of Science in Athletic Training program received an opportunity of a lifetime through their internships at Northwestern University. Owen Clayton ’23 and Kaitlin Novak ’23 traveled with the Northwestern football team to...

Seniors Dora Rodriguez ’22 and Jordan Zwiezen ’23 were recognized as recipients of the 2022 Delta Mu Delta scholarship program. DMD, an international honor society in business, annually recognizes outstanding business students through its scholarship program, which awarded...

While interning as a sourcing recruiter for technical sales at Amazon Web Services, Harris realized the career path he wanted to take with his psychology degree. How did your internship influence your career path? Internships are a low-risk route to see if you actually like a career or not....

Schultz has been an audit intern at global accounting and consulting firm Sikich LLP since May and received an offer to start a full-time position with the firm when she graduates in December. How did you turn your internship into a job offer? My key takeaway is that you really get out...

“At AU, I discovered I want to become a teacher. I also further pursued my passion for music while I continued to be involved in Spartan Athletics. Over winter break, I wrote my first composition for guitar and performed it during a student recital in the spring. I don’t feel...