
Associate Professor of Biology and Environmental Science
Office Phone: 630-844-7834
Email: rboniak@aurora.edu

Professor of Biology, Biology Coordinator
Office Phone: 630-844-5266
Email: arodriguezestrada@aurora.edu
Areas of expertise: Genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology, mycology and mushroom cultivation, plant pathology
PhD, Plant Pathology, Pennsylvania State University-University Park
MS, Plant Pathology, Pennsylvania State University-University Park
BS, Universidad Veracruzana-Cordoba
Favorite thing about AU: "I feel passionate about teaching at AU and I truly enjoy learning along with students."
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Associate Professor of Chemistry
Office Phone: 630-844-5420
Email: ajohanson@aurora.edu
Areas of expertise: Biochemistry, organic chemistry, kinetics, spectroscopy, food chemistry, physical chemistry
PhD, Chemistry, Northwestern University
BS, Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Favorite thing about AU: "Being in the lab with students as they experience chemistry in action."

Assistant Professor of Biology
Office Phone: 630-844-5247
Email: mkorir@aurora.edu
Areas of expertise: Microbiology, infectious disease, genetics, molecular biology
PhD, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Michigan State University
BS, Biology, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Favorite thing about AU: "The sense of community on campus and the close relationship between students and faculty."

Professor of Chemistry, Chair of Biology and Physical Sciences/Smith Disting Chair
Office Phone: 630-844-5513
Email: cpatel@aurora.edu
Areas of expertise: General chemistry, organic chemistry, chemical education, K–12 education
PhD, Organic Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago
BA, Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago
BS, Biology, University of Illinois at Chicago
Favorite thing about AU: "The university's commitment to student growth and creating a learning environment for all."
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