
Professor of Art History, Coordinator of Undergraduate Research Program
Office Phone: 630-844-3829
Email: lescobed@aurora.edu
Areas of expertise: Medieval art and architecture, northern Renaissance art and architecture, iconography, interactions between text and image
PhD, History of Art, Bryn Mawr College
MA, History of Art, Bryn Mawr College
BA, Art History, UCLA

Joe Dunham Distinguished Associate Professor of Ethics
Office Phone: 630-844-6884
Email: ggupta@aurora.edu
Areas of expertise: Comparative religious ethics, business, medical, and environmental ethics, science and religion, eastern philosophy and religions
PhD, Religious Studies, University of Oxford, Queens College, UK
Master's Degree, Science and Religion, University of Oxford, Linacre College, UK
MS, Electrical Engineering, Boise State University, USA
BS, Electrical Engineering, Boise State University, USA
Favorite thing about AU: "Engaging in ethical reflection and discourse with our inquisitive and outstanding students."

Professor of Communication
Office Phone: 630-844-5466
Email: mkneller@aurora.edu
Areas of expertise: Media production, media analysis and criticism, popular culture, documentary film
EdD, Northern Illinois University
MA, Communication, Northern Illinois University
BA, Computer Science and Communication, Aurora University

Associate Professor of Religion and History
Office Phone: 630-844-5267
Email: jmccormack@aurora.edu
Areas of expertise: History of Christianity, religion and politics, world religions, early modern Europe, France, Latin America
PhD, History, University of Notre Dame
MA, History, University of Notre Dame
MA, Religion, Yale University
BA, History, Yale University
Favorite thing about AU: "Engaging in the process of cultural discovery and self-evaluation with our hard-working, curious students."
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Associate Professor of Foreign Languages, Emerita Dean of Latino/a Initiatives, Coordinator of Latino/a Studies, Coordinator of First Year Experience
Office Phone: 630-844-6259
Email: eserrano@aurora.edu
Areas of expertise: Identity development among U.S. Latinos/as, status of Latinos/as in higher education, role of parent involvement in supporting educational attainment among U.S. Latino/a students, acculturation and assimilation of U.S. Latinos/as

Associate Professor of Philosophy
Office Phone: 630-844-4239
Email: mwalter@aurora.edu
Areas of expertise: Modernity, language, aesthetics, ancient philosophy, contemporary continental philosophy
PhD, Philosophy, DePaul University
BA, Liberal Studies, University of Pittsburgh

Assistant Professor of Religion, University Chaplain
Office Phone: 630-844-6175
Email: mwoolfington@aurora.edu
Areas of expertise: Leadership development, religion in America
DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary
MDiv, Southwestern Seminary
BA, Sociology, Aurora University
Favorite thing about AU: "Our campus is beautiful, but our students are the ones who bring it to life."