Spanish (BA, Minor)

Why study Spanish?
Spanish is the most studied foreign language in the U.S., and one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Many businesses want to hire professionals who can speak and write Spanish. Fluency in Spanish is a useful skill that will set you apart in the job market in a wide variety of fields, including business, health care, government, and travel.
At Aurora University, as a Spanish major you will develop an understanding of Spanish that will prepare you for a variety of professions and give you an advantage in almost any field you choose. You will develop each of the four language skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
AU’s Spanish program encourages active participation, strong language skills, and an understanding of and appreciation for the various countries that designate Spanish as their official language.
Our student-centered curriculum will encourage you beyond the classroom to use the language in a variety of settings by participating in creative, hands-on, reflective activities and assignments.
You can also expand your career opportunities with a double major in Business Administration, Criminal Justice, or Marketing. Even with a second major, you’ll still be able to graduate in four years.
If you would like to explore academics beyond your major, you can also minor in Spanish.
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.Nelson Mandela
annual median salary for interpreters and translators
2023-2033 projected job growth rate

- Foreign travel opportunities
- Intermediate and advanced Spanish
- Language and community immersion
- Latin American civilization and culture
- Latino cultural studies
- Spanish-language films
- Spanish literature
- Translation
- International exchange
- Latin American Student Organization
- Spanish Language Association
- Summer study abroad
The Spanish program at AU developed my language skills, my love of language, and my perspective on the world.Shelby Leonard ‘20

Experiential learning
In the Spanish program, you will have opportunities to use your language skills as well as learn about new cultures beyond the AU campus. Many of our students dive deeper into their studies through our study abroad experience or internship programs in Costa Rica and Spain.